THE EASY WAY TO MAKE YOUR HOME COOLER IN SUMMER AND WARMER IN WINTER: When this highly effective product is installed in sufficient pairs in tiled roofs, it will significantly make your home cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter, thus minimising your need to cool or heat your home, therefore substantially saving you money. With the costs of electricity and gas sky-rocketing, now you can have something you can do to save your pocket and reduce expense in running your home. This product, which when installed cannot be seen, has no moving parts, they make no noise and has ZERO running costs ! Once installed, you can forget about them.
This innovative 'integrated into your roof' new product is a completely inconspicuous roof space ventilation solution for tiled roofs. The concept is so simple and effective, a number of pairs of these hollow Zincalume 'breathing' roof tiles, are installed on your roof replacing a solid clay or cement tile, thus enabling your important roof space to effectively ventilate and with no noisy moving parts or no future maintenance needs.
EASY INSTALLATION: Each hollow takes the place of one solid tile. Installed in pairs, one 'hollow' roof tile is positioned high, ideally on the North side of the roof just a few rows below the ridge cap, and the pair's 'partner' is on the other side of the roof in a low position just a few rows above the gutter to allow cooler air to be drawn in. Ideal for re-roofing, extension, existing or new homes, pairs should be installed approximately 4.5m apart. For skillion roofs, simply install as pairs with one hollow tile high, and its 'partner' close to the gutter just below.
As the hot air rises and is able to escape through these 'upper' hollow 'ventilation' roof tiles, cool air enters through the 'lower' hollow ventilation' roof tiles, an effective convection current is created. So even on the very hot summer days when there is no breeze, using these products and nature, your hidden roof space is silently, effectively self ventilating which otherwise can contribute to Sick Building Syndrome, condensation forming and fungi growing in winter. We supply these breathing tiles Australia wide, with or without powder coating. To choose the colour for factory Powder Coating, CLICK HERE. Alternatively, simply use a spray can for metal, and choose the matching colour from your hardware store.
The old fashioned alternative of an ugly, sticking out of the roof and potentially noisy rotating ventilator (a nuisance when trying to sleep at night), which by its very design requires a breeze to operate, does not work when there is no breeze! With our innovative and invisible hollow ventilation roof tiles, when there is a breeze, the air movement increases as the Venturi Principle draws even more air in and out.
FOR CONCRETE TILED ROOFS: This one product fits most concrete tiled roofs, except any curved Spanish tile, or completely flat roof tiles. CLICK HERE to see if your concrete roof tiles are compatible with these 'energy saving', invisible and silent roof space ventilation tiles.
The overall shape and configuration of the hollow tile is the same as the vast majority of past and present concrete tiles manufactured. So no matter how long ago your existing roof tile was manufactured, there is an excellent chance that this roof space tile ventilator will fit and is easy to install. When you replace an existing tile to introduce efficient roof space ventilation, you remove your existing 'good' tile which can be used to replace cracked or broken tiles.
FOR TERRACOTTA TILED ROOFS: The same applies with terracotta, EXCEPT, There are in fact two models. One we call 'small' as it is compatible with the narrower terracotta roof tiles manufactured up to 2008. It is 280 mm wide. The 'large' size, is 300 mm wide, to be compatible for tiles maunfactured since 2008. So for terracotta tiled roofs too, past (old roofs) and present (new or re-roofing) roofs will probably have a roof space tile ventilator model to fit your manufacturer and profile tile.
There is even a special 'unit' version for the popular Corrugated or Colorbond roofs.
Architects and Building Designers, specify these aesthetically and highly functional superior integrated hollow Ventilation Roof Tiles.
Here is an article published by the Sydney Morning Herald about the issues involving unventilated roofs - Click Here.
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